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Our Customers
Our customers are R&D and marketing departments and new product development centres of corporations as well as small and medium manufacturing and service enterprises.
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Innovation Management Process
Risk Minimization
Product Optimization and Problem Solving
  Overview - TriS Europe Solutions

We see ourselves as an expert and confidential business partner in the field of organization and optimization of the innovation management process through providing consulting, software/IT and services. With this complete solution package we are supporting small and medium enterprises, R&D departments, marketing and new product development centres of corporations, supporting innovation champions, product managers, designers and engineers. We help to develop new product or service concepts, to identify precisely true customer benefits and market demands thus securing your business and innovation success.

  R&D Departments

We support the R&D departments of companies with a unique process for managing sustainable and breakthrough innovation, helping to create customer-orientated new product concepts, and making innovation success predictable and measurable in advance. We deliver best practice techniques for fast and systematic problem solving based on TRIZ methodology. We forecast technological product evolution (technology roadmapping), and secure your newly acquired intellectual property with patent fences. Our processes reduce the failure risk of innovative products dramatically with the method of anticipatory failure identification. Our innovation toolbox TriS-AIDA supports and documents all steps, ideas and results of the innovation process.

  Marketing and Product Managers

We support marketing departments and product managers with the capturing of true customer requirements and their often-unspoken needs - so-called "desired customer benefits". With the help of a special market research method we identify those customer benefits with the highest market potential and the corresponding actions to be taken. The customer benefits are quantified and converted into measurable product factors. The resulting innovation strategy, market intelligence and new benefit-based market segmentation leads to products with a unique position in the market and a breakthrough in customer satisfaction.

  Small and Medium Enterprises

We help companies to formulate optimal innovation strategies and concepts, linking technical and technological innovation potential with the objective market demands, along with true customer needs and benefits relative to the competition (benchmarking). We provide our support through idea generation workshops, moderated innovation and problem solving projects, and research work.

  Innovation Manager

The Advanced Innovation Design Approach AIDA supports managers in the planning and execution of innovation projects in their companies. It enables virtual project teamwork and idea generation via the company's intranet, and bundles the know-how of people with particular expertise across departments producing highly innovative results. Our method for objective idea evaluation and for concept development by using the best ideas includes scenario planning to help select the best innovation concepts. It also helps generate consensus in the innovation process within project teams and companies.

TriS-IDEAS toolbox offers easy to use methods to capture and save all relevant data in the innovation workflow such as customer needs and benefits, competitors data, tasks or challenges faced, problems and risks, ideas, innovation concepts and related documents.

  Inventors and Users of TRIZ Methodology

TriS Europe is the leading provider and developer of TRIZ methods and software in Europe, practising TRIZ methodology since 1980. We support TRIZ users and experts through training and coaching in real problem solving. The most recent version of our AIDA Automatic Idea Generator contains refined TRIZ best practices for use in industry. We support companies in systematic idea generation and brainstorming with updated TRIZ innovation principles, with a step-by-step algorithms for solving comprehensive and bottle-neck problems ARIZ as well as methods for forecasting technical product evolution.

  © 1998-2025 TriS Europe